Booktuber as a literary practice in Secondary Education A systematic review

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Margarita R. Rodríguez-Gallego
Cristina De-Cecilia-Rodríguez
Soledad Domene-Martos
Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra


This study shows the current state of the use of social networks in the reading habits of adolescents and the booktuber intervention for the development of said competence. The main objective was the systematic review of the advantages, disadvantages and evaluation of social networks in the promotion of reading, as well as the impact of the booktuber reading practice. As a method, a systematic review was carried out following the guidelines of the PRISMA 2020 Declaration, using Scopus, WoS and ERIC as information sources. Among the main results, it should be noted that the majority of the records were published between the years 2019 and 2021, based on a fundamentally quantitative research methodology, with Spain being the country that published the largest number of articles on this phenomenon. This practice provides advantages such as emotional support, fostering a sense of belonging to the digital community, and greater commitment and motivation in digital reading tasks, whereas the disadvantages include poor training for its contextual use and a lack of resources, access and technical support. This study confirms that there are experiences supported by scientific studies on the use of social networks and the booktuber intervention for the development of literary competence in Secondary Education.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Gallego, M. R., De-Cecilia-Rodríguez , C., Domene-Martos , S., & Ordóñez-Sierra, R. (2024). Booktuber as a literary practice in Secondary Education: A systematic review. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 23(1).


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