Intertextual relationships and litterary competency in Fernando Alonso’s narrative work

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Sandra Sánchez García


The teaching of literature in the school focus their objectives in the formation of the literary competence, for this reason literary studies should opt for a global discourse analysis, studying not only formal and structural aspects of the literary texts, but also considering the receptor and the context under which literary communication occurs. The relations established between the discourse and the reader should be a key element in addressing the analysis of literary texts. In this regard we emphasize the importance of intertextual resources for the formation of a strong literary competence and development of the intertext reader. Taking into account the ludic and didactic possibilities that the intertextual game presents for the child reader, in this article we analyze the intertextual reference contained in the works of Fernando Alonso. El misterioso influjo de la barquillera and Las raíces del mar. Two narrations that indicate the potential of such texts to stimulate reading and didactic use of the literature.

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How to Cite
Sánchez García, S. (2011). Intertextual relationships and litterary competency in Fernando Alonso’s narrative work. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, (7), 7–22.


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