Academic literacy and reading’s socialization through video reviews in teacher training

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Alícia Martí-Climent
Aina Reig
Carmen Rodríguez-Gonzalo


Academic literacy for undergraduates is a long road that requires didactic interventions in different disciplines. This study proposes the creation of discursive communities for the socialization of academic reading among peers through video reviews. The implementation was conducted during four academic years (between 2017 and 2021) with students of the Teaching Degree (373) and the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching (118) of Universitat de València. The analysis of the video reviews focuses on the position of the reader (in our case, a pre-service teacher) as a mediator. After reviewing different proposals of analysis of this audiovisual genre and the visualization of the corpus (416 video reviews), four analysis categories were delimited: content selection, recommendation criteria, presentation of the reading and its author, and the construction of the discourse. The qualitative analysis conducted allowed us to identify two main types: reproductive and critical video reviews, both characterised in this work. The results show two key elements: the appropriation of the rhetorical situation created by the video review genre and the reading experience. The adoption of a critical vision not only requires depth in disciplinary knowledge, but also requires the development of more complex linguistic resources.

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Martí-Climent, A., Reig, A., & Rodríguez-Gonzalo, C. (2024). Academic literacy and reading’s socialization through video reviews in teacher training. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 23(1).


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