A room for them Female characters and reading in contemporary American Children's Literature

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Loreto Gómez-López-Quiñones


This article analyses the link between female characters with reading and study through the analysis of 35 works of American children’s literature published between 2000 and 2021. They are award-winning works - written by American women - aimed at a child audience and whose female main characters who are eager readers. We can conclude that, through reading, the female main characters of these books will achieve a space for emancipation, self-knowledge, and transformation of reality.

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Gómez-López-Quiñones, L. (2023). A room for them: Female characters and reading in contemporary American Children’s Literature. Ocnos. Journal of Reading Research, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.18239/ocnos_2023.22.2.340


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